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Friday, 3 June 2016

Like a Woman Possessed

One example - more to follow later!

I have turned into a little girl playing with her dressing up box. And I'm bloody loving it! Every chance I get - mainly when the baby is napping or happy to amuse himself in the jumperoo/play nest - I have been styling myself up with total abandon. I haven't enjoyed having my photo taken in such a long time but now I'm snap happy & sharing them with the world through my blog & Instagram. It's amazing what a passion channelled into a project can do.

My Lindy bop sale box arrived, followed by my ASOS small splurge, La Redoute parcel & What Katy Did undies... Plus some extremely bargainous earrings found by chance on a trip to, of all places, Sainsbury's. Henry went to nursery and the fun hasn't stopped yet. I'm like a woman possessed. I have to stop myself buying anything else with money I don't have. I'm already eying a Hell Bunny coat for my trip to NY in December. Better hold off until I'm bringing in a wage again, eek.
Instagram version
My quest for everyday Rockabilly/vintage looks has just turned into trying my hand at getting a full blown authentic look down and taking photographs of the results. I had to answer the door this afternoon to a delivery driver in Victory Rolls and a full face of make-up. At least she didn't turn up when I was a) half way through getting the hair & make-up done or b) when I was in full garb (I was still in my civvies so probably looked even weirder upon reflection - Victory rolls and my husband's old t shirt covered in baby sick & fruit puree... nice).

It's the end of day two and I've still not tried everything on yet. I'm having an absolute blast and I can't wait to do some more. It's faintly ridiculous how excited I am about getting dressed up. Who knew a 34 year old Mum of two would be holing herself up in the bathroom and skipping lunch in order to perfect her curls and red lippy. I've honestly got a new lease of life.

My Husband is slightly bemused by the whole affair but not unsupportive. And the only other soul I have told about this blog etc is my Sister. And she's currently in Canada. Although 'My Rockabilly Summer' is public I haven't outed myself to my friends and family - it feels very double agent. I'm not entirely sure why I'm being so hesitant - partly shyness and partly because I don't want to lose this high! If I tell actual real life human flesh people about it they might shit on it, or make it feel stupid. My online life is so much fun and I've had nothing but lovely comments and hearts from like minded people. Why would I want to lose that?! Today, I'd tagged La Leche Directions hair dye into one of my photos on Instagram and they actually featured it on their own page - I am embarrassingly proud of that, haha.

My eldest son was with his Nana & Grandpa today and you should have seen me rushing around to tidy away everything and return my face to 'normal' before they returned him home. I completely miss my dolled up face - I feel quite dejected when I have to take it off. Ahhh... I think I must have been born in the wrong era.
Look how sad I am to be back in my civvies
The other problem I'm having at the moment, is that I'm still not set up to take full length photos so the majority of the pictures I've taken are head and shoulder shots. We live in a pretty tiny terraced house that is full to the brim with 'stuff.' The only place we might be able to clear some room in and possibly keep all my accoutrements together in is the cellar... but I worry the light will be crap. Hmmm. Shall have to keep pondering that one and will let you know if I come up with a solution.

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