Hi, my name is Rebecca and I'm an online shopaholic.
I'm not proud of this but I've burnt through an alarming amount of money in the last year. Considering I was on maternity leave and am now unemployed it's been a shocking use of my resources - all I have to show for it is an unhealthy obsession with vintage/retro everything and an embarrassingly bulging wardrobe (well actually 3 wardrobes all of which are obscenely over flowing). Oh and an almost empty bank account.If I am to continue being a stay at home mum for as long as possible this frittering of money HAS to stop now. And realistically should have stopped long before. Even as I am sitting here a box of brand new 'Gilda' Chelsea Crew shoes are sitting at my feet having been freshly delivered to my door. My ability to spend has had no limits, nothing has quenched the thirst. It's always a "just this" or "I need this" or "once I have this I won't need to buy anything else for a while." But of course I'm lying to myself and I am probably already thinking about, nay lining up my next purchase.
Why have I so gluttonously overspent? I can't tell you as I'm not entirely sure of the answer and perhaps that will come to light over the coming month. I know that having children changed many things and for a while I felt 'lost.' Also not working and losing that sense of purpose which having a full time job in London gave me I think knocked my sense of self more than I thought it would. Finding the communities I have on Instagram and Facebook has introduced me to a group of women that feel like my 'tribe' and I've honestly never had that before. Perhaps my enthusiasm has got the better of me. No matter the reason, it has to change or things could get genuinely really scary. It's already one hell of a slippery slope...
So, as of tomorrow Wednesday, 1st February marks the beginning of my BIG SHOP BLOCK.
Rules of the Big Shop Block challenge.
The challenge it to get through February without making an online purchase of clothing, jewellery, make-up, footwear, underwear and general accessories (i.e bags, hats, hair flowers). Basically, I have enough of everything and still so many items I haven't even worn yet. There are also things I've ordered which are on the way - seriously. I don't need any more!
- If I break this and buy something I will have to match the amount I spent in a donation to the British Red Cross.
- In order to discourage online spending I will be limiting my iphone screen time (with particular focus on limiting my social media scanning and online shop browsing). This excludes taking photographs and also using my laptop to write my blog. My idea is to have half an hour in the morning and another half an hour in the afternoon/evening with my phone but that's it. I expect this to be fucking hard as my mobile is practically glued to my person at all times - I reach for the damn thing without thinking.
- Sell. Organise. Use. I need to have a massive go through of my wardrobes/drawers and sell off items I do not or cannot wear. I am effectively starting my February balance at £0. By selling I hope to end February in the black (or at the very least at zero) but hopefully not in minus figures.
- Exceptions to the challenge are;
- I can physically go into and buy things in charity shops (but not 'regular' shops)
- Food and general groceries/toiletries are exempt
- Although make-up and other luxuries like hair accessories etc are banned I am allowed to get my hair and nails done professionally (there are standards darling)
- Money can be spent on going out and experiences - otherwise I'm going to be bouncing off the four walls. Also, spending time with my family outside of the house is very important to me and, as cheesy as it sounds, making memories is so much more important than buying myself clothes. That doesn't mean spending recklessly - I realise we can spend time together and do things without having to spend a lot of money. It just means this will not be taken off the table and doesn't mean I'll suddenly be booking us expensive holidays or extravagant days out.
- If the boys need something I can buy it. BUT they have to really need something and it has to be for a good reason. I do not want to turn buying for my children into an excuse for replacing one shopping habit with another.
- Buying presents & cards for birthdays etc is ok (but I need to learn to be a little more frugal with my present buying, especially for close family. That might be a challenge for another time though).
- Someone else is allowed to buy for me - not that I'm suggesting I'm going to find myself a Sugar Daddy. I suspect my husband would have something to say about that. Also, this doesn't mean I can get someone else to buy for me and pay them later. On that note...
- No buy now pay later i.e using my Very account or any other credit scheme.
- I can use existing or bought for me gift vouchers. So, for example, I have a Vivien of Holloway voucher from Christmas still to spend - and that's ok as long as I don't go over the £150 on it.
At the top left of the blog I've added in a countdown clock and a 'fundraising' style thermometer - visual stimuli is always a fun part of having goals after all.
I did this during January... And it truly has changed my mind set... It's hard, I won't lie! *but so worth it! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I think it is going to be very hard!!! But I definitely think it will be worth it for a lot of reasons. Thank you for commenting on my post, fingers crossed I can do this :)